Page 46 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #2
P. 46


            The Broch at Dun Carloway:

               Built around 200 BC. The stones
                    of the broch—each unique in

                dimension—were fitted together
          without mortar to rise an impressive                                                                      Lithos

         forty feet high in double-walled grace.                                                               comes from the
        Laced with ventilation spaces between,                                                                Greek word λίθος
             they provided both protection and
            seasonally moderating interiors for

              their families. What warmth and
           laughter did these stones once hold?

                  The Standing Stones of
                     Callanish:  Set centuries

              before Stonehenge, these majestic
                stones share the same shroud of

            mystery of origin and construction.
            The Standing Stones shimmer with

             delicate patterns of ancient gneiss.

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