Page 65 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #1
P. 65


                                 Mourning, March 2003

               I  called her Mourning  because  she  lived  the  sadness  I  carried  in my heart.
               Tentative at first, she clearly knew what I was looking for, but she was not willing
               to  give  her inner self  to  me  or to  the camera. It would be  nearly  a year before
               she  emerged from behind her bulwark. The day she  did, it was  to the words
               “bring me back to you,” from the song “Wherever You Will Go” by The Calling.
               I  won’t  ever  forget  the  moment  she  reached  to  the  sky,  the  length of  her  body
               expressing the full depth of her longing and sadness.

 nyghtvision magazine                                                       volume 3, number 1, WINTER 2013
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