Page 61 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #1
P. 61


        been able to stop the pain I felt that nyght  Francois: Understand?
        years earlier when I saw the gray strand in  Falcon: “You won’t cry for my absence,
        my wife's hair.                                     I know; You forgot me long ago; Am I that un-
        Francois: Did you come to understand the  important? Am I so insignificant? Isn’t some-
        pain that nyght? Is that why you survived?          thing missing? Isn’t someone missing me?”
        Falcon: No.                                         Francois: Evanescence. How does this re-
        Francois: But you are still here.                   late to your understanding?
        Falcon: Yes. What I learned that nyght  Falcon: Most women carry  immense sad-
        was that I can’t stop the pain. I can create  ness.  Imagine  being  measured  against  Bar-
        or I can die. I can be so                                                bie  all your life.  Imagine
        in the moment that I can                                                 knowing that your beau-
        experience the dying of a                                                ty is destined to fade and
        flower despite the power                                                 that cultural prejudice will
        of its beauty...                                                         cause you to feel valueless.
        Francois: If I may in-                                                   No matter what a woman
        terrupt,  then  this  is  why                                            looks like, when she is in
        I perceive such a deep                                                   front of my camera, I am
        sense of sadness in your                                                 there for her and with her.
        work—even in the beau-                                                   In the moment. She  will
        ty that so often leaves me                                               never be  so beautiful  as
        speechless.                                                              she is in that moment. It
        Falcon: Yes.                                                             is all that matters, all that
        Francois: So, this is                                                    counts. Regardless  of  my
        the “source” of the dark-                                                preferences, I see and feel
        ness. This is where the                                                  only her beauty. Accept-
        pain comes from. This is                                                 ing her as beautiful  frees
        what makes your work—                                                    her to  be  in the  moment
        the work of The House of                                                 with me and to let go of
        NyghtFalcon—Gothic.                                                      all the emotion she carries
        Falcon: Yes.                                        within her. All the pain. All the sadness. I in-
        Francois: Is this what shapes your images  vite her—as I invite everything I photograph,
        of women? Is this why they seem so sad in  even  a lifeless  industrial  pump—to  be  in the
        many of your photographs?                           moment with me.
        Falcon: Yes. But understand, I don’t ask a  Francois: Is this what it’s all about? The
        model to feel sad. As a rule, I don’t ask them   roots of the darkness you carry with you?
        to feel any one emotion.                            Falcon: Yes.
        Francois: Then, what do you tell them?              Francois: I am not sure where we go from
        Falcon: I simply ask them to show me what  here—this isn’t what I expected . . .
        they are feeling.                                   Falcon: Then for the moment, let it be.
        Francois: Why do they show you? Why do
        they trust you?                                                      ba
        Falcon: Because I understand.

 nyghtvision magazine                 RETUEN TO CONTENTS                    volume 3, number 1, WINTER 2013
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