Page 57 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #1
P. 57
f al co n Ad d ress es the S i gnif i can ce o f
The H ous e o f Ny ghtFal co n’ s Go thi c R oo ts
Francois: I understand you have quite the I hear it all the time—the word “dark.” I have
fascination with Amy Lee of Evanescence. frequently heard it used to describe your work
What is it about her that fascinates you? —the firm’s work—and I confess that even in
Falcon: (Grinning) You’ve obviously been the firm’s more, well, mundane images, I my-
talking to JD. self sense it. In the early work I see it even
Francois: (Laughing) You don’t expect me more prominently, almost “in-your-face.”
to divulge my sources, now do you? So, what Falcon: What do you mean, “in-your-face?”
is it about her that has you so . . . What’s Francois: I’ll try to explain. When I think of
the word I am looking for? Enchanted? the models with whom you have worked,
Falcon: That’s rather presumptu- I see a certain “darkness” in almost
ous of you, don’t you think? every photo. I am thinking of that
Francois: Well, aren’t you? series of Ana in the cemetery—
Falcon: I could deny it, but the images with the bandages
is seems you already know. So, on her hands and the very Goth
yes, I am. Without a doubt. I have clothing. I hesitate to use this word
been intriqued by Amy Lee since Torment since I am not sure that I—or anyone else—re-
arrived one day with the Fallen CD. ally knows what it means these days, but are
Francois: What specifically attracts you? you Goth? Is that what this “dark” is all about?
Falcon: Well, she’s articulate, creative, tal- Falcon: Though I use the word “dark” in
ented; her eyes are incredible—captivating, conversation when describing myself, the term
enchanting, fascinating—and her music is ex- is a bit pejorative. What’s the opposite? Light?
ceptional. The lyrics are penetrating, honest, Or, as is often used among “dark people,” va-
emotionally powerful. What’s not to like? nilla? I am not a fan of any of these terms. Am
Francois: And she’s dark. I Goth? I suppose in some sense I am. I tend to
Falcon: (Laughing) There is that too. dress along those lines. I tend to be attracted
Francois: You’ll have to explain this to me. to women who are usually labeled “Goth.” So,
nyghtvision magazine volume 3, number 1, WINTER 2013