Page 55 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #1
P. 55

FALCON             55

         set them up and they                                                        1.  What day  of  the
         seem to get in  the                                                         year is it? (A question
         way. My  eye  prob-                                                         that  determines  the
         lems  worsen as my                                                          answers to most of the
         irises continue to de-                                                      following questions.)
         teorate, but I see quite                                                    2.  Where am  I?  (A
         well in very low light.                                                     question about lati-
         Even when  working                                                          tude and longitude.)
         in places that are not                                                      3. What time of day?
         burned-out  or aban-                                                        (A question about
         doned, I find we don’t                                                      light temperature.)
         need much light. The                                                        4.  What  are  the  an-
         methodology  works                                                          gle, direction, and
         extremely  well. Two                                                        intensity of light?
         of the  photos  that                                                        5.  What  is  the  vol-
         were  awarded  Im-                                                          ume of light present?
         age  of the  Day (One
         Model Place) and one                                                        Answering these five
         that received a Daily                                                       questions told me
         Deviation on Deviant-                                                       everything  I needed
         Art were  created  us-                                                      to know. I just had to
         ing our methodology                                                         resolve the  technical
         and a couple of remotely triggered flashes.        problems. I placed the second flash at the top
                                                            of the stairs over isis’s head, then pointed it at
             t was so dark in the stairwell  a gold reflector which directed the light across
             that  I could hardly see isis. I knew the  the  stairwell and landing so that  it would
        Ishoot  would  be  over if I didn’t come  up  bounce off the walls and be “forced” into the
         with some way to get through this. I knew the  stairwell. I aimed the flash on the camera away
         methodology worked, but I needed some light.  from isis so that it would  discharge  against
         Any light.                                         the lightly colored walls, wrap around us, and
           I remembered reading an article that said the  light  her. It worked. The  shadows  were  soft,
         Canon 580 EXIIs had a receiver in them and  the color of her skin perfect, the detail in her
         that they could be fired when another 580 EXII  outfit stunning. I could even see the grain of
         was triggered. So, despite the fact that I had no  the wood.
         working trigger, I did what I could to analyze    I felt  a certain satisfaction  as I sat on the
         the options. I hate (read HATE) using the flash  landing of that abandoned building after the
         on my camera except when I work events, but I  shoot ended. I took my time putting my gear
         knew that I had no other option. If I could use  away. I had come full circle: Back to 2005, back
         one mounted on the camera to trigger the other  to the burned-out house, back to the comment
         flash, I might get something out of this shoot.  made by JD so long ago—a comment tied to a
         Following our lighting methodology, I asked  place that forever changed the way I see and
         myself the implementation questions required:   experience the world.

 nyghtvision magazine                 RETUEN TO CONTENTS                    volume 3, number 1, WINTER 2013
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