Page 15 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #1
P. 15

FRANCOIS DEWYNTER                                 15

          Also, there is really no end to the list of tech-  Falcon: The “p-word” is photography.
        nical things that can go wrong: batteries fail,     Francois: Thank you. Please continue.
        memory cards have to be swapped out (often          Falcon: Another significant change has to do
        at the worst moment possible). I could go on        with the immense wealth of technical infor-
        but I think you get it. But the icing on the cake   mation we have amassed. As I’ve mentioned,
        is this: We live in a litigious culture. Meaning,   in the beginning I underestimated the extent
        if something goes wrong, whether or not it is       to which digital photography had to be tech-
        your fault, you can be sued. It’s no wonder the     nical and true to the  roots of photography.
        average professional photographer lasts only        Therefore, the  development  of  the  Nyght-
        about three years.                                  Vision Methodology  was extremely  import-
        Francois: So, in light of what’s happened to        ant. Designed to bridge the demands of think-
        the  industry,  how  has  your  firm  changed?  I   ing technically  and emotive  artistic vision,
        know for one thing, you’re no longer Nyght-         this methodology has enabled us to develop a
        Falcon Photography.                                 unique voice in the industry. More important-
        Falcon: Yes, this is true. We changed our           ly, it has freed our destiny from being shaped
        name to The House of NyghtFalcon because            by the whims of a market niche. Our most im-
        it better reflects who we are and what we do.       portant asset is our NyghtVision Methodology.
        One thing we realized was that our business         Francois: What’s next?
        model was really more akin to that of a fashion     Falcon: In terms of where the firm is going, we
        house than a photography studio. Also, we felt      have made changes over the past two years to
        strongly that using the word “photography” in       strengthen our position competitively. Nyght-
        our name was not a good thing.                      Vision  magazine has a new  website  and the
        Francois:  Let me stop you  there—what  do          magazine will  be available  in print-on-de-
        you mean “using the word photography was            mand and four digital formats. We are aggres-
        not a good  thing"? You  are photographers,         sively looking at expanding both the publica-
        aren’t you?                                         tion business and our educational  seminars.
        Falcon: (Laughing) That depends.  First of          We continue to improve our websites and add
        all, we also offer video imaging, graphic and       value to our various design businesses.
        interior  design,  and many other things that       Francois: So, NyghtFalcon is ten years old.
        don’t fit accurately under the umbrella of pho-     What do you think the firm will look like in
        tography. Second, we realized that our client       another decade?
        services—photography, graphic design, video         Falcon: Wow, there’s a question. I don’t want
        imaging—have little to do with the media we         you to think we haven’t thought  about this,
        use. Our business is creating, capturing, and       because we have. I can tell you that it is one of
        conveying emotion. Photography is just one          our goals to continue to diversify the business.
        of  many  ways  we  do  this. Also, we  learned     In ten years, while digital imaging will remain
        that using the “p-word” can actually hurt us.       a core competency and our primary focus, we
        It devalues what we do by putting us in the         expect  that  publishing,  fine  art  prints,  and
        same commodity group as everyone else with          design services will generate the bulk of our
        a camera.                                           revenue.  Obviously,  we  can’t  be  too  specific
        Francois:  Excuse  me  for interrupting,  but       because change will continue to require us to
        what is the “p-word”?                               refine our plans.

 nyghtvision magazine                 RETUEN TO CONTENTS                    volume 3, number 1, WINTER 2013
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