Page 11 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #1
P. 11

DEBORAH GALLIN                          11

                                                            Falcon  to  greater  discipline  in their  images
                                                            which, in turn, allows them to bring the hall-
                                                            marks  of their photography  to the  fore  with
                                                            greater delicacy and effect. This opens the way
                                                            to more poetic (or even quirky or whimsical)
                                                            expression even in the most mundane settings.

                                                            LASTING IMPRESSIONS

                                                                         y  final  thoughts?  The  original
                                                                         qualities  that  define  Nyght-
                                                            M Falcon and their photography
                                                            remain  true.  As the individuals who are
                                                            NyghtFalcon have matured and evolved, the
                                                            quality of the images has taken on greater
                                                            resonance.  Whereas the earlier photos were
                                                            a bit “in your face,” the images NyghtFalcon
         the ongoing fascination with saturated color.   create today are more poised.
         The desired effect also seems to be a function
         of NyghtFalcon’s continued insistence on hon-      NyghtFalcon continue to move ninja-like
         estly  portraying what  they  see  through  the  through their surroundings. . . take only pic-
         lens. Steal the moment, seize the image.           tures, leave only footprints.

                rom guerilla shooters, NyghtFalcon          Deborah  Gallin  is  a Paris-based  Communications
                                                            Director and photo aficionado.
                have evolved into acclaimed wedding
        F and portrait photogra-
         phers (see  right)  also shooting
         architecture  and travel. What’s
         changed? Clearly the framework
         within  which  they  operate.  As
         commercial photographers, they
         are bound by the client brief with
         its inherent deliverables  and
         constraints.  As wedding  pho-
         tographers, they must submerge
         their  personal  vision to  capture
         moments that will resonate with
         the  bridal couple’s  memories.

         Oddly  enough, rather than lim-
         iting them, I feel that these con-
         siderations have forced  Nyght-

 nyghtvision magazine                 RETUEN TO CONTENTS                    volume 3, number 1, WINTER 2013
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