Page 9 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #1
P. 9

DEBORAH GALLIN                              9

                   FIRST IMPRESSIONS

                            NY GHTFAL C ON


                    magine if you will, the main-street-shoot-out in the

                    black and white version of a Spaghetti  Western.  The

           Isun is high. The wind blows hot and dry. The camera,

            at ground level, pans slowly upward over the worn boots past

            the hem and wind-tortured movement of the wrinkled duster

            past the fingers tensed above the pistol grip to a face shrouded

            in the shadow of the low-brimmed hat. Music in the style of

            Ennio Morricone. Now, transfer this scene to the tradeshow-

            transformed interior of a posh Las  Vegas hotel. My first

            impressions of NyghtFalcon were not far from what I’ve

            described. Except what I saw coming toward me was as far as

            you could get from Western. It was Goth.

 nyghtvision magazine                                                       volume 3, number 1, WINTER 2013
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