Page 12 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #1
P. 12


            Past,            Present,
                             Future                                 :

            Falcon talks technology’s impact on where

                                 his firm started and where it’s going...

            Francois:  Over the  years  there  have been        well.  The improvement in camera technolo-
            many changes  in the  industry  and to  The         gy means that you can now get a Digital Reb-
            House of NyghtFalcon. Can you speak about           el for less than half the price we paid for our
            those you feel were most significant?               old Canon 10D, and you’ll have a better sensor
            Falcon: That’s a much harder question than          and more megapixels.
            it might seem.                                      Francois: Did you anticipate the impact of
            Francois: Why is that?                              these advances?
            Falcon: So many changes  have occurred              Falcon:  We knew back in the fall of 2002
            overall that narrowing things down is rather        that  not  only  would  digital  cameras replace
            like trying to catch a leaf in a windstorm. Just    film, but that the rise of digital cameras would
            look at the advances in technology for a mo-        likely cause a shift in the market. We’ve seen
            ment.  My  first  camera—purchased  just  over      two  major  market  shifts  in  the  past:  first  in
            ten years ago—was an Olympus 4 megapixel.           the  1950s  when  Kodak  released  their  very
            The Canon 1Ds Mark III I currently use is a         inexpensive film cameras, and again about a
            22 megapixel. Nikon offers a 30+ megapixel          decade  later  when  Kodak  brought  film  pro-
            DSLR.  But  it  isn’t  just  the  megapixels,  sen-  cessing labs into retail stores and pharmacies.
            sor technology  has changed immensely as            In both cases, the impact on the industry was

    nyghtvision magazine                                                                                                                                                                           volume 3, number 1, WINTER 2013
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