Page 10 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #1
P. 10


                            hy do I linger on this? Because  One of my favorite early illustrations of this is
                            I find the encounter emblematic  the Paris-Las Vegas Hotel fountain (see right).
             W of  NyghtFalcon  and  their pho-                 It is simultaneously overwhelming and sleekly
            tography when I met them. Unconventional in  elegant. The angle of the photo is disturbing
            their approach. With the  capacity  to express  with its elongated, backward “C” arc on which
            what can be an uncomfortable, raw emotion.  all the monuments hang. The palette of colors
            And brutally honest.                                is relatively restrained, their intensity is not.

                                                                                        he  proportions of the
                                                                                        pilings  in the  photo  of
                                                                              T Battery  Park  in  New
                                                                              York (see  left)  gives me a simi-
                                                                              lar  off-kilter  sense.  The  pilings
                                                                              force  my  eyes  to  confront them
                                                                              while what I really want to do is
                                                                              follow the quay into the distance;
                                                                              but I’m constantly dragged back
                                                                              by the pilings. There’s very little
                                                                              in the photo to relieve this ten-
                                                                              sion. The  salmon pink railings
                                                                              on the quay  seem at odds with
                                                                              the piling’s density; the railings’s
                                                                              airy construction  reinforces  the
                                                                              mocking invitation  to nowhere.
                                                                              I’ve always liked this image with
            Carpe diem, carpe momento, carpe photo.             its use of intense colors in a semi-bucolic set-
                                                                ting—yet there’s a note of discord, a bit remi-
                        hen I met NyghtFalcon in 2007 they  niscent of Magritte. The equilibrium of these
                        were shooting from the hip. Some-       buildings is simultaneously upset and intensi-
             Wtimes  literally. They were hungry  fied by the shadow.
            for images  and gorged  themselves,  tirelessly
            stalking their surroundings, moving as quickly              yghtFalcon’s early photos of women
            as they could, recording thousands and thou-                were a bit of a shock for me. Not be-
            sands of shots.                                     N cause of the content, but by their insis-
                                                                tence on bringing the subject into close contact
            W hat is revealed for me by the early photos is,  with the viewer. Bringing the subject to light.
            in large part, this unconventionality, the raw-     To the point of not adding light if this is how
            ness and honesty and the beginning of what  the  integrity  of  the  image  was  maintained.
            are now intrinsic  qualities of their work:  a  This proximity, whether  through  the  purity
            characteristic  type  of framing and saturated,  of emotion we see in the women or simply by
            intense color.                                      not  masking imperfections,  is  coupled  with

    nyghtvision magazine                                                                                                                                                                           volume 3, number 1, WINTER 2013
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