Page 18 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #1
P. 18


            Francois: So, what was it like at the begin-        Neither Falcon nor I were very happy with our
            ning?”                                              lives at the time.
            JD: Well, that really depends on how far back  Francois: What happened  after  you  got
            you want me to go.                                  back from Damscus?
            Francois: Let’s start with the fall of 2002.        JD: We spent most of that fall just doing pho-
            JD: Both Falcon and I were at really low points  tography. It pretty  much went  like this: we
            in our lives. He had left when I was in high  would  leave  around sunset,  shoot  all  nyght,
            school, and for six and a half  years  I hadn’t  get home at dawn, go to bed, get up around
            seen much of him. So, there was a period of  noon and work on photos, then go out again.
            adjustment for sure.                                Francois: Wow.
            Francois: That’s when you and Falcon went  JD: We never knew where we would end up.
            to Damascus, Virginia.                              For example, one day around noon we decid-
            JD: Yes.                                            ed to go to Charleston. So, we just got in the
            Francois: Why Damascus of all places?               car and left. We wandered the streets all nyght
            JD: When I was a Boy Scout we had gone there  taking photographs.
            several times. One  morning,  Falcon walked  Francois: When did the two of you get seri-
            into my room  and said something like “I’m  ous about starting a business?
            going  to Damascus, do you  want to come?”  JD: I don’t know for sure. I think it was just
            So, we got in the car and went. I had his older  before Christmas when we decided we wanted
            Olympus 5050Z which I had purchased from  to start a company.
            him and he had his newer Olympus 7070Z.             Francois: That first year must have been in-
            Francois: I  understand that Damascus is  teresting.
            where the company was formed.                       JD: If you don’t mind eating ramen and bo-
            JD: Technically, I guess. But it wasn’t like we  logna all the time. (Smiling) Yes, it was inter-
            got there and Falcon said, “Let's start a com-      esting, but it was also tough. We were able to
            pany.”                                              get some work through a local magazine and a
            Francois: What did happen that day?                 local newspaper, but it didn’t pay well. Falcon
            JD: We got halfway up the Virginia Creeper  was consulting and I was working in retail for
            Trail  and Falcon just started talking.  It was  the first few months. He continued to consult
            probably  the  first  honest  conversation  we'd  for several years.
            had  since  he'd  left.  At  some  point  he  men-  Francois: How did you prepare  for that
            tioned  that  he  wasn’t going  back to the  cor-   first year?
            porate world, and that he was considering be-       JD:  We  didn’t.  But,  we  lucked  out.  Neither
            coming a photographer.                              of us had ever shot film so we didn’t have any
            Francois: What did you think when he said  of the hang-ups film photographers had. We
            that?                                               started  with  digital. Though we  didn’t know
            JD: Well, on the one hand I had always been  it at the time, that was actually a good thing
            interested in photography, and I had interned  since we were able to learn how to maximize
            with a professional who worked for a studio.  what we got from our cameras.
            He'd  been  on the  VF/Wrangler  account. On  Francois: Is digital very different from film?
            the  other  hand, I wasn’t sure  what  to  think.  JD: Yes. In the world of film, most photogra-

    nyghtvision magazine                                                                                                                                                                           volume 3, number 1, WINTER 2013
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