Page 23 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #1
P. 23
Damascus Revisited
had just purchased my second “point
and shoot” Olympus—the 7070Z—so
I handed JD my old camera and we
took off for Damascus.
Not many words passed between us
on the drive up. Our “relationship” had never We went back to the Grayson Highlands, the
been what I hoped it would be, and I had com- Creeper, and sometimes, to no specific place at
plicated matters by leaving JD's mother when all. On one of those trips, perhaps buoyed by
he was in his early teens. More than six years the joy we had come to experience when we had
passed before I returned to Greensboro and cameras in our hands, we decided to become
moved back into the house. professional photographers. And so we did.
About halfway up the trail, we stopped for The House of NyghtFalcon was founded
lunch. I told JD that I wasn’t going back to the shortly thereafter, on January 1, 2003. As time
corporate world. I said I wasn’t sure what I was passed and the demands of the business grew,
going to do, but I wasn’t going back. JD didn’t we returned less and less often to Damascus.
say much. Mostly, he just listened. In September of 2012, we decided it was time
We returned several times that fall. to revisit the Creeper, and our memories.
nyghtvision magazine volume 3, number 1, WINTER 2013