Page 71 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 71

Even for Savannah in July, it was hot. However ac-         passed forever. I had changed in that moment and so
        customed I am to dressing in black regardless of the  had my experience of the chair alone and neglected
        weather,  I found  myself  wishing  it were  cooler. My  under the portico.
        shirt was stuck to the length of my back and my cargo      I suppose that is the point. In the handful of seconds
        pants made my feel as though my legs had sudden-           it took me to cross from the square to the place where
        ly swollen. As we  crossed  the  square,  I saw an old     this photo was created, I never stopped to think. I nev-
        wrought  iron chair under the  shadows  caste  by the      er stepped out of the moment to think about how I
        second  floor  balcony.  Framing  the  chair  by  the  re-  would set the camera. Instinctively, I knew what I felt
        mains of old wooden molding on one side and a fresh-       and while I remained in the moment, I let th left side
        ly painted stucco wall on the extreme, I got down on       of my brain worry about the camera.........
        one knee, adjusted my F-stop to give me the depth of
        field that would capture my experience of that chair       We can analyze this image all we want. Yes, the cir-
        and then pressed the shutter..........                     cle  of  confusion  serves  to  heighten  the  emotion of
                                                                   the moment. Yes, the tension between the indefinite
        From the moment I saw the chair I had engage in its        whiteness of the stucco wall and the sharp texture of
        presence and I knew what I was feeling. I knew what        the chair create a visual tension. But all those things
        I wanted the camera to experience, and I had opened        serve only to let the moment speak, to disclose to the
        myself  to the  possibility  that no one other than me     world what I felt. How I saw the world again. For the
        would feel what I felt at that moment.                     first time.
        A single  click of the  shutter  and the  moment had

                                                                                   Seeing the World Again. For the First Time.     71
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