Page 69 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 69
The photo on the right cle of Confusion.
uses a very different ap- 4. Note how quickly the
proach. Note: dress transitions to being
1. The brick in front of the totally our of focus and
model is almost so soft out of depth of field.
that it is out of the Circle The lines in the brick
of Confusion. Enough of direct the eye to Kath-
the brick is discernible erine. The area behind
for this area to be in the her, which is totally out
Circle of Confusion. of depth of field, serves
2.From her hand to her to “push” our eyes back
hair and face, she is onto her face, arms, and
sharply in focus and in hand.
depth of field.
3. The necklace and
dress are sharper than
the brick but not sharp
enough to be in focus and
in depth of field. These
areas are also in the Cir-
Seeing the World Again. For the First Time. 69