Page 68 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 68

Analysis: Circle of Confusion

                                                                Two images that are both      either. These “soft” areas
                                                                very  different  in  every    are in the Circle of Con-
                                                                aspect - except that they     fusion.
                                                                both  use  the  Circle  of    As we mentioned on the
                                                                Confusion effectively.        previous page, distance
                                                                Lets  begin  with  the  im-   from th subject is a crit-
                                                                age on the left. It was cre-  ical factor when  estab-
                                                                ated  using the Canon 85      lishing and using the Cir-
                                                                mm prime L series  lens       cle of Confusion. In this
                                                                - a lens noted for its shal-  case, I was  just  outside
                                                                low depth of field even at    the MFD.
                                                                F-16. This image was cre-     While  I could  have got-
                                                                ated  using only ambient      ten closer to her, I would
                                                                light, at F-1.2.              have further  diminished

                                                                Look closely at her hand,     depth  of  field,  I  elected
                                                                eye  and cheek. They are      not  to. I was  concerned
                                                                all  in  depth  of  field  and   that too much detail
                                                                sharp. The ear, the hair,     would have been lost and
                                                                her lips, are “soft”  - not   the context of the imaged
                                                                sharp enough  to  be in       would have been lost.
                                                                focus but not out of focus
     68   Boot Camp, Part 1
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