Page 67 - NyghtVision Boot Camp One Fill Edition
P. 67
The second factor that determines the visibility and size exposure - and I assume you have properly checked
of the Circle of Confusion is depth of field in tandem exposure before attempting this exercise.
with distance from the subject. Simply put, if you set 4. While still holding the shutter half way down,
your F-stop to 4, for example, and your total depth of step into the MFD - that is past the point where you
field is three feet and you stand ten feet from the subject, would be able to focus. BE CAREFUL. If you move
the Circle of Confusion will be fairly large as well - de- too far in, you will have a blurred image.
pending upon the design of the lens you use.
5.Press the shutter.
Rule of Thumb 3: Using a lower F-stop
and moving toward the subject past If you do this correctly, you will have a paper thin
the MFD also extends the Circle of depth of field and the area around that sharply fo-
Confusion cused depth of field will be in the circle of confu-
Achieving this effect is even more dependent upon
the design of the lens. Here’s how to do it: This is particularly effective when doing portraits
and some product photography. This effect tends
1. Find the MFD. to evoke deep emotions so use it carefully and ap-
2. Make sure auto-focus is turned on. propriately.
3. “Lock on” to the image once the auto-focus tells Using this effect with landscapes can create a sur-
you it is able to focus by pressing the shutter half real effect. Again, use it wisely.
way down. This locks every camera setting except
Seeing the World Again. For the First Time. 67