Page 28 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 5 #2
P. 28

The digital revolution has
                   diminished our ability to see the
                   difference between a picture and

                                a photograph.

          is nothing accidental about it. There is no "point andBehind the ScenesAbove: Azalea blossom (2015)
          shoot." A photograph is a visual invitation to an emo-
          tional experience. That invitation requires intentional-                          PHOTO BY Falcon
          ity, focus, discipline, and an understanding of the tech-
          nology of photography.
          Seamus: So, if I have a quality camera with a motor
          drive, and take dozens of snapshots, I might be able to
          select one that creates an emotionally powerful image,
          but it is mainly the result of luck and not conscious and
          deliberate action.
          Falcon: Absolutely.
          Seamus: By definition, a still image, a photograph is cre-
          ated intentionally, purposefully, not by happenstance,
          for instance with a disposable or camera phone. Not
          that it is impossible, but certainly not probable.
          Falcon: Right, exactly.

          Recently, I was reminded that there was a time when
          our lack of expertise had a significant impact on our
          Seamus: How so?
          Falcon: It so happens that we are releasing the "Face
          of a Woman" project for a second time this year - in
          celebration of its 10th Anniversary. I am reviewing the
          thousands of images of women taken since 2003, and
          last night I reviewed our images of a model we nick-
          named "Innocence." In 2005, thee year in which we
          worked with her, we took 12 to 15 photos to create that
          single still image that was good enough - technically,
          artistically, emotionally - to be called a photograph.
          Now, largely because our technical knowledge, our un-

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