Page 27 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 5 #2
P. 27
Falcon & Seamus Whyte
Seamus Whyte is a staff
writer and photographer with
The House of NyghtFalcon
sessions, you have helped busi- There is an mental change in the definition
nesses understand the reasons important of a photograph. So, really, a
this approach works, and the difference snapshot or a picture is created
shortcomings of the current mar- between a picture, when someone presses the shut-
keting models. a photograph, and ter release on a device - camera,
a still image.. smart phone, whatever - and if
Falcon: Correct. enough snapshots are taken, one
might create a photograph, or in
Seamus: Today we have agreed our terms, a still image.
to leave that branch of your busi-
ness and discuss "Still Imaging," Press the shutter enough times
in the context of, "What makes a and eventually, statistically, a
great photograph?" How about photograph will be created. Even
starting with the difference, as a chimpanzee pressing the shut-
you interpret it, between a Still ter release enough times has a
Image and a Photograph? chance of creating an emotional-
ly powerful image.
Falcon: Well, this discussion
would not have taken place say What we call a still image is the
50 or 60 years ago, but when result of a conscious and delib-
Kodak began making consumer erate process of creation. There
grade cameras, it began a funda-
Spring 2015 | 27