Page 188 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 5 #2
P. 188
conversation wherever it will go. "I didn't Jim comments that he isn't sure she was
think you would survive that." really terminally ill. Jack more or less
Jim asks why Jack would say that. agrees. It doesn't matter to me. Really,
"Because he couldn't pull himself out of it doesn't. Terminally ill or not, the pain
it. He was experiencing her dying. Even she carried within her could have killed
Mark was concerned." me. And if she returns to my life again,
There was a conversation with Jack and
one with Mark that I would never forget. I might not break free this time. I want
"There has to be a way out of this, Fal- to tell Jack and Jim that she is still with
con," Jack had said. me, even now, even after not seeing her
"No, Jack. There isn't. I can't tell where since December. I want to tell them that
she ends and I begin." I couldn't. "There's not feeling her is far worse than dying.
nothing I can do, Jack. She's dying." For reasons I don't understand I don't.
"Falcon, you have to save yourself." It is almost 7:00 PM now. The coffee
"You just have to."
"No, Jack. I can't."
The last time I saw Kaylyn, she ran into
my arms and, as we embraced, I felt her
come through my skin and into my body
as somehow, I watched from outside my-
self. As closely connected as we had
been before, now, she had become a
part of me. I felt all of her. Every smile.
Every tear. Everything.
"How did he survive?" Jim asks. I am
there. I hear the conversation. But I am
not really present. I am watching Kaylyn
pass through my skin and into my body.
"She did it," Jack says. His words pull
me back to the present. I look at him
and Jim in a vain attempt to pull myself
out of the moment and into the present.
"All the disappointments. All the broken
promises. She pushed him away."
188 | Silently Still