Page 183 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 5 #2
P. 183

ries. I'll be careful." I laughed. "Besides, I  asked the question, I wasn't comfortable
go into my head alone all the time."            with the word "empath." It carried, well,
"Talk about dangerous places.... Your head      too much baggage. Too many connotations
is one. You know, if there weren't a god        over which I had no control.
you would have to invent one just to make       "It has everything to do with your work,"
it was safe to go into your head."              Mark said as though I had asked a ques-
I found that comment humorous. I laughed.       tion that was so obvious I needed to nev-
Mark laughed too, but it was a different        er ask it.
laugh. One that said that he was surprised
that I had found humor in a statement in-       "Why would you ever ask that?" I recog-
tended to be taken extremely seriously.
However seriously he intended me to take        nized the tone in Mark's voice - the tone
his comment, I wasn't sure even he could        that I have learned says one of two things:
see all the ramifications. I found myself       Either Mark has missed something so ob-
listening to my notes on Feuerbach and          vious he would need to reexamine his
his analysis of the need to have a god.         connection to the world, or, I had asked
Perhaps Mark was right and it wasn't safe       a question, the answer to which was so
to go into my head alone. Neither he nor I      obvious, that it was a waste of time for him
said much after that. But I wasn't going to     to even respond.
let go of his comment or the question that      "Of course it does," Mark said. He leaned
had started it all.                             forward and his voice became intense-
I was well aware of where the conversation      ly focused. As he leaned forward, his
was going to go. "So, you want to go into       hand brushed his coffee cup and nearly
                                                dumped it on the table. As if ignoring the
my head with me?" I said again hoping to        near spill, Mark picked the cup up and
                                                held it close to him. "Of course it does,"
diffuse the intensity of his feelings. Mark     he repeated as though, perhaps, I had
frowned. An intense, almost angry, frown.       missed what he had said. "It influences ev-
I could feel the wounds that Mark had           erything you do. I mean, you can feel the
carried with him his entire life open and       emotion in everything around you."
bleed. He reached for the cup of coffee         Rarely am I ever caught off guard, but that
and let his hand fall just short of it. Even    last comment did just that.
before he spoke his question, I felt it.        Mark looked away and for a long moment,
"So," I began, deliberately pulling Mark        I let myself drift away. . It wasn't that the
away from his question, "to what extent do      comment taught me something new about
you think that my being an empath influ-        myself. I mean I know that I can feel the
ences my work?" Truth be told, even as I

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