Page 185 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 5 #2
P. 185
ness of its bark. And then I stepped away then, did I photograph that tree?"
to photograph it. I thought I heard Mark say something about
The last of Mark's words seemed to fade the importance of emotionally engaging
away as though he began to speak in a the world, but I can't be sure. In a way I
whisper. But he wasn't. I was slipping away cannot describe, I was both with him and
from him. somewhere else. I recognized the sense
Silent. Still. of disconnection. It happens when I leave
I remembered the feeling of the coldness the moment and return to the world of ev-
of the bark against the palm of my hand. erydayness. "This is what Heidegger meant
"Why did I photograph that tree? Clear- when he said that humans dwell poetically.
ly, my doing so didn't change anything. I We connect with the world not logically
couldn't bring spring. I couldn't end the but emotionally." There was so much more
tree's experience of abandonment. Why, I wanted to tell Mark, but I knew that he
The tree at the back of the
abandoned factory. I could
feel its pain from the park-
ing lot.
Spring 2015 | 185