Page 186 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 5 #2
P. 186

understood. After all, we had had simi-     riencing in that confluence what Heide-
lar conversations many times. Yet, there    gger called Angst. That cold, emptying
was more I wanted to say and somehow I      presence of "one's own most possibili-
knew that until and unless he could step    ty:" death. It is about losing and finding.
out of the present into the moment and      It is about finding and losing. It is about
"be there" with me, he would never un-      being in a place and experiencing in
derstand. Intellectually, he might. As in-  that moment every other time you have
telligent as Mark is, he wouldn't have a    been there. Every word spoken. Every
problem understanding - intellectually.     emotion felt. Every furtive glance. All of
But it wasn't about intellectually under-   it. In exquisite detail. Now.
standing. It was about standing open        Silently still. That's what it is about.
and standing in the confluence of past,     In that moment everything is alive. I can
present, and future. It was about expe-

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