Page 50 - Lighting the Unlightable Volume 1 #1
P. 50
There were a number of problems here that were challeng-
ing. Lets start with the fact that she is back lit. Usually, this
means that the difference between her face and the win-
dow was at least 4 F-stops. Not lit properly, her black dress
would have become so black that none of the detail would
show. Her face would be black, or so dark little detail would
survive. If I exposed for her and not the window, she might
look okay, however, the window would have been blown out.
That would diminish the emotional impact of the image.
Letting the light from my strobes break to her left allowed
me to use the wood on the wall as a reflector as well. Light
that hit that area would reflect back into the room.
Note the detail on the arm of the couch behind, her and the
reflection of the blinds on the arm further up. All these are
marks of a consistent volume of light.
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