Published in the Summer of 2012, this issue marked the official debut of Lighting the Un-lightable. Gene Rurka wrote about his experiences in Africa. Andy Walcott and Lew Brown both offered photo essays. There were photo essays about Honduras and Bonaventure Cemetery in Savannah, GA. Part one of the Paris Chronicles debuted as well. Falcon's eulogy for Jack Bollini called "Let Me Tell You a Story" appeared as well. There was a tutorial on how to photograph fireworks. Chimera's Octo Beauty dish and Sirui's tripod were reviewed. Ananya was the featured model. "The Beauty of Sadness," an essay by Falcon, explored the depth of emotion in still imaging.
Published in the Fall of 2012, this issue of NyghtVision was our annual gear issue for that year. This edition focued exclusively on new products. Among these were: DxO Labs Optics Pro version 8, and Viewpoint, onOne's version 7, Queensbury's on-line order system, Mindshift's 180 Degree Rotation, Think Tank's City Walk bag and Airport Manager, JetMaster from Innova, color management by X-Rite, and Wacom's Cintiq 24HD.