Page 85 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 5 #2
P. 85

Marquaysa on the  Hurrell's use of light. Although we
                                                             couch in front    understood the theory, we hadn't
                                                                               the tools. Now, with Profoto's Cine
Parlor or the Gentlemen's. I was of the window in

                                                             the Gentlemen's

a bit, well, surprised, when she Parlor.

selected the Gentlemen's.

Marquaysa had never modeled be-                                                reflector, we did. However, it is one

fore, and I have learned over the                                              thing to have a tool and another

years that, even a small gesture                                               to know how to use it effectively.

- like choosing where she would                                                To complicate things even more,

like to model - can go a long way                                              while we knew, in theory, how Hur-

towards making a new model feel                                                rell lit a scene, we had no idea if

comfortable. Besides, I had a lot                                              that information were correct, or if

on my mind and welcomed the                                                    his methodology was compatible

opportunity to let someone else                                                with ours. One way or the other, I

choose the location.                                                           would soon find out.

For the better part of a decade

we have been trying to replicate

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