Page 84 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 5 #2
P. 84

Lighting                    ”
the Un-lightable


                                                           For the better part of a decade we have been
                                                           trying to recreate Hurrell's use of light. While we
                                                           understood the theory, we hadn't the tools.

"What would George              case, the beautiful Vic-    And that is exactly why I
Hurrell do?" I asked            torian furniture, every-    enjoy working there. In-
myself as I stood in            thing about Belmont is      tellectually, artistically,
the entryway to the             beautiful.                  technically, working at
Gentlemen's Parlor              And Belmont is a difficult  Belmont pushes me.
at Belmont.                     place to work. Large win-   For at least eight years,
                                dows, polished wood-        I have worked there and
Belmont, located in Re-         en floors and paneled       some of my best work
idsville, NC, is always         floors, glass top tables    has been created at Bel-
beautiful in the after-         and so much more make       mont.
noon, even on a rainy           working at Belmont dif-     I offered Marquaysa Bat-
day. The light from the         ficult.                     tle the opportunity to
leaded glass windows                                        workineithertheLadies'
above the grand stair-

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