Page 64 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 4 #2
P. 64



           weekend because it was so darn far.                into the trance that long drives generate, I try
               When you started a drive to the coast, you  to pay attention to what is around me.  I also
           had to put your mind in neutral and just en-       try to get off interstate highways every time I
           dure mind-numbing monotony.  If you thought  can and take the back roads.  Life is too short
           about anything, you thought about your desti-      to spend it on interstate highways, even if you
           nation.  The drive was the price you had to pay.   might save a little time.
           As a result, I had never really seen or thought      All this brings me back to my recent trips
           much  about  that  area  of  North  Carolina.    I  down east.  Because I have gotten off the in-
           drove along those roads without seeing or feel-    terstates, slowed down, and paid attention, I
           ing anything.                                      have come to see the beauty and complexity of
               However, since I took up photography, I have  this area.  On the January trip, I tried to focus
           tried to work on my powers of observation.  In-    on the small towns and on abandoned houses
           stead of taking things for granted or assuming  and barns.  There is a plentiful supply of these
           that I know what I am seeing, I try to be more  subjects.
           observant and really “see” things.  This is espe-      Take, for example, the town of Everetts, lo-
           cially true when I am driving.  Instead of going  cated in Martin County, just off Highway 64

    64 |Down East
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