Page 63 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 4 #2
P. 63

I grew up in Charlotte, and I have lived since       The Piedmont’s rolling hills flattened into
        then in Southern Pines/Pinehurst and the Re-         a giant pancake as one drove east towards the
        search Triangle areas.  During those years, I had  coast.  Small, rural towns dotted the landscape,
        always seen the Outer Banks as a string of sandy  but there seemed to be no “there” there, as one
        jewels adorning our coast and offering delight-      drove the seemingly endless roads.  Especially
        ful things to see and do.                            before I-40’s construction and improvements to
            The land between the densely populated Pied-     State Highways 64 and 264, if one looked up the
        mont Crescent  and the  Outer  Banks,  was, in  definition of “eternity,” one found, “the distance
        some sense, a necessary evil. That land, which  between Chapel Hill and Manteo.”  (See photo
        we  often  call  “down  east,” had  to  be  there  so  above)  Many of my fraternity brothers at the
        something would link the Outer Banks with the  University of North Carolina came from these
        rest of the state.                                   remote counties.  They seldom went home for a

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