Page 28 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 4 #2
P. 28
stunning anthem about the nature of life, art and the creative process. He
does this while standing in the dark. Falcon tells us that love is a rebellion
against death, and that death is the single most determinant aspect of our
lives. Love and death are intimately entwined and lead out of darkness into
light and then again to darkness. We carry darkness into the visual expres-
sion of truth and passion. We feel in our bodies, the struggle between love
and death. We make images and write words that describe this struggle that
goes beyond language – and even beyond art.
The visual style that Falcon
has developed is an The visual style that expression of
love and death, – abun- Falcon has developed is dance and
loss. His photographs, and those of
many of his colleagues an expression of love and at NyghtFalcon,
employ a characteris- tic visual style
associated with the death, -- abundance emergence of
highly saturated color and carefully
defined form, emerg- and loss. ing from a
dark field. He devel- ops crisp and
intense images that move dramatically from deep darkness to brilliant high-
lights. This style of tenebrism, often associated with great masters of the
Baroque - Caravaggio, de la Tour, Rembrandt and Velasquez, creates the
connection between the rational and knowable phenomenal world, and the
mysterious world of noumenon. 'Phenomenon’ is about light and volume and
directly provable experience, – the realm of the objectively measurable and
the knowable.
Noumenon is the term we use for the mysterious – unknowable except
The dark literary visions of Arthur Koestler and of Albert Camus are the inspirations
for Falcon's 'NyghtVision'. Like them, he penetrates the darkness' finds peace and
meaning in its oblivion.
28 | Mike Grady