Page 18 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 4 #2
P. 18
nalized and conveyed through the created image. A Respond
Being in the moment, gives one the chance to
create a unique and powerful image. The Meth- You are part of the environment. How do you
od was developed as a way to understand what it feel? Connect with the mood/emotion of the sur-
takes to produce a unique, emotionally powerful, roundings or subject. Be human. Be vulnerable.
high quality image, and to make it repeatable and Experience the mentality and emotion. How can
teachable. you create an image that expresses what you feel?
The Method has five steps; Observe, En-
gage, Respond, Create and Detach. In the initial A Create
Boot Camp class each step has a very thorough
explanation of its purpose, context, content and Express the emotion through image compo-
execution. I am using a simple outline of the sition, angle of view, focus technique, and other
steps to demonstrate the value of The Method as options. Create the interest and Press the shut-
a teaching tool. (The first BootCamp class lasts ter.
3 to 5 hours and is filled with technical, artistic
and philosophic insights - it is not the intention
of this outline to represent that experience.) A Detach
The Method’s steps are as follows: Let it go. Move on to the next subject, and re-
start the Method at a point appropriate for you to
create the next image.
A Observe
What day is it? Where am I (latitude, lon- As I reviewed my learning, I became enamored
gitude)? What time is it? What is the light an- with the idea that this method and these same
gle (complimentary angle)? What is the range of steps, if modified, could be adapted as a way to
light? What is the volume of light? What set- assess and improve many of life’s experiences - to
tings will produce the best image? This technical provide a structure for thinking through a situa-
assessment answers some important questions, tion, a problem or life’s issues. Over time and a
while providing an introduction to “ thinking “ few iterations, I have developed a description of
about the image.
how it can work. The modified Method can be
used prior to a conversation (with anyone - wife,
children, friends), in planning a presentation, or
A Engage prior to a business meeting, and in virtually any
What is happening in the environment around situation. It has given me a way to think about
you? What are the activities? The people, build- interactions in a new and very beneficial way, or,
ings, structures and nature all provide input to as explained in the House of NyghtFalcon's state-
create an environment that we feel mentally and ment of purpose, See the World Again. For the
emotionally. First Time. Now, I will describe the steps a bit
differently to demonstrate how they can be used.
18 | Jim Whiting