Page 75 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #4
P. 75

Above: A DNG RAW image was dragged into the application. The application automatically recognized the
Color Checker Passport. The next step - click on the Create Profile button. You will be given the opportunity
to name the profile.

spoke with X-Rite's tech support and they told us it  tion just click on "Create Profile."
is around 35 MB.                                      	 It is important to note that all X-Rite prod-
	 This application has the ability to create a        ucts are tightly integrated. When I opened the ap-
DNG profile from one image or from more than one.     plication it immediately recognized that I hadn't
The latter is called a Dual Illuminant DNG. A Dual    calibrated my monitor within thirty days and it re-
Illuminant DNG Profile represents two different       minded me that if my monitor isn't calibrated cor-
lighting conditions. The camera must be the same.     rectly, the DNG profile might not be accurate.
Once the image(s) are imported into the applica-      	 Click here to view this process on YouTube.

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