Page 69 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #4
P. 69
inar experience with Nyght- I think photography is one of the most evoca-
Falcon: tive art mediums. I have always been moved
by images shot from a camera and have a tre-
I took the boot camp seminar earlier this year. mendous appreciation for the wide range of
It was a wonderful way to hone my technical perspectives, artistry and technique applied
skills, as I mentioned earlier, I am entirely to photography. It is accessible to those who
self taught. Learning the technique and then don't fancy themselves as art enthusiasts, yet
taking time to practice it has been a true gift is so sophisticated in its deceptive subtleties
and elevated my photography to a level I never it would impress the most skilled of self pro-
thought possible. My friends and family have claimed aficionados. I think many people can
been impressed by my growth and I have even develop photography skills, but only a few
gotten requests for prints of my work since have the eye for images that evoke emotional
taking the seminar. responses from viewers. This is what I strive
to with my work - to capture a moment and in
5. Why is photography so so doing, create an experience I can look back
important to you? upon and transport myself and the viewers of
my work there instantaneously.
Autumn 2013 | 69