Page 68 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #4
P. 68

Sumerlin Larsen

Sumerlin grew up in the Pacific Northwest
and now lives in Savannah, GA for the past
year and a half. She has long been interest-
ed in photography as a hobby. Sumerlin
loves to travel. Her next big photo adven-
ture will be underwater photography as a
scuba diver.

1. When did you first be-                        Northwest Native, I was spoiled by the inde-
come interested in photogra-                     scribable beauty of mountains and forests and
phy?                                             ocean around which I grew up. As an adult,
                                                 I have had the privilege of traveling all over
When I was nine years old, my mother's best      the world and experiencing many different cli-
friend gave me a camera for my birthday. I       mates and terrains. I find them all beautiful in
felt empowered to be creative in a way I had     their own ways.
not yet discovered. I have owned at least one
camera since that time - mostly of the point      3. Do you think you wil be-
and shoot variety, but got my first SLR in high  come a pro?
school and was entirely self taught until I at-
tended the Nyght Falcon boot camp.               I have no aspiration to be a "professional"
                                                 photographer. Photography brings me great
  2. What is your favorite                       joy and helps me relive significant experienc-
photographic subject?                            es. If in my spare time, I can provide that joy
                                                 for others, that's good enough for me.

4. Tel us about your sem-I tend to like natural settings best. As a Pacific

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