Page 52 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #4
P. 52


decayed based on nature’s schedule.              	 My daughter, Dana, a scientist in her own
	 As we moved through the forest, I was first    right, provided me the first clue. She point-
impressed with the size of some of the trees.    ed out a copperhead snake that was resting in
Photographing large trees or waterfalls is dif-  the splintered remains of one of the trees the
ficult because there is nothing in the picture   storm had toppled (see photo 1). After that, I
to give the viewer a sense of scale – an appar-  began to see all the life that had found places
ently large tree could simply be the result of   resulting from the death of other things in the
the photographer zooming in on the scene.        forest. Ferns and other plants had sprouted
My daughters provided one shot to give you an    in the decaying sections of fallen trees where
idea of how large some of the trees are (photo   enough dirt had accumulated to support them
7).                                              (photos 3 & 6). Moss and other bacteria had
	 While we followed the figure-eight-shaped      taken up residence in other spots (photo 2).
path, I tried to get in touch with my feelings.  Even mushrooms were growing on standing
What was I feeling, learning, from this hike?    tree stumps (photo 5). Fallen trees provided a

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