Page 51 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #4
P. 51
trees. A restroom and picnic tables are lo- lining the trail (see photo page 48). The railings
cated at the trailhead. along that stretch were to keep hikers from slid-
ing down a steep hillside. Otherwise, one fol-
From where we were staying, south of Bryson lowed a well-worn path about two feet wide.
City, we took NC highway 19/74 south to Topton There were many very large, old-growth
and turned right on Highway 129. We followed trees. Although they were not nearly as large as
129 until we got to Highway 143, the Cherohala the California Redwoods, they were impressive
Skyway, which takes you to the trailhead. Just (see photo 8).
as the USDA Web site indicated, we found a There had been a bad windstorm two years
very small parking lot with a couple of picnic ta- ago that twisted a number of trees, splintering
bles and a pit toilet. This verified the primitive those about three feet from the trees’ bases, as
maintenance standard. if some giant’s hands had grabbed the trees and
We came prepared to picnic, so we took one twisted them in opposite directions. If the tree
of the tables. While the family spread our pic- fell across the established path, the Park Service
nic, I took a shot of the stream that flowed beside cut the tree to keep the path open. Otherwise,
the picnic area (see photo 9). After lunch, we the tree was just as it had fallen (see photo 9).
started on the trail. As advertised, it was clearly Except for this circumstance, things were just as
primitive. Except for one short area, there were nature would have had them. Trees fell where
no logs, railings or other modern conveniences they fell. Trees and plants lived, stood, fell, or
Autumn 2013 | 51