Page 50 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #4
P. 50



Although our family has been in North             Department of Agriculture’s Web site, which
       Carolina all our lives, we had never been  provided the following introductory para-
       to the Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest.       graph:
Perhaps, this is because it is about as far west
in North Carolina as you can go. If you think       This forest is one of the Nation’s most im-
of the state as being a shoe, with the heel on      pressive remnants of old-growth forest.
the east and the toe on the west, Joyce Kilmer      The forest contains magnificent examples
would be the toenail of the big toe, just before    of more than 100 tree species, many over
the state line plummets south to the Georgia        400-years-old, and some more than 20
state line.                                         feet in circumference and 100 feet tall.
	 Probably, you remember the line from              This 3,800-acre forest was set aside in
Joyce Kilmer’s poem, “Trees.”                       1936 as a memorial to the author of the
                                                    poem “Trees.” Joyce Kilmer was killed in
 “I think that I shall never see                    action in France during World War I. This
   a poem as lovely as a tree.”                     forest, part of the Joyce Kilmer-Slick Rock
                                                    Wilderness, is maintained in its primitive
Our family was on a vacation in the North           state. The only way to see this forest is
Carolina mountains, so we decided to visit the      on foot. A 2-mile trail leads to the Joyce
forest. “Googling” the forest led us to the US      Kilmer Memorial and loops through giant

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