Page 36 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #4
P. 36
hammed said. “Sometimes,” I said as I rested salam?”
my hand on his shoulder, “sometimes it takes “Yes.”
time to grow up.” The conversation ended “Salam, my brother.”
shortly after that, and he and I sat, huddled
over our coffee, sharing the silence together.
“So why are you selling the business?” “Thank you. Thank you. It means much to
me.” He out the palm of his right hand over his
“I need a change, my friend. I am selling the heart and bowed slightly.
house too. Everything. My wife's father lives a
few blocks from here and we will move in with I didn't want it to end this way, but I had no
him for a while.” idea what else to say. I really cared. Deeply.
And I pained for him. If I could have I would
“What will you do?” have wrapped my arms around him and held
him close to me. But across the counter, there
“I don't know. Nothing for a while.” could be none of that.
“I understand.” I brought my hand over the counter and
“The memories. I can't stand them any more. I pressed the palm of my hand against his shoul-
need to get away from them.” der. “Salam.”
“I know.”
“What can I do for you?” I turned to JD and motioned towards the door
“Nothing. There is nothing anyone can do.” way........... As much as I could I pulled my foot
I put my hand on his shoulder. up the small flight of stairs to the street be-
“We are here for you, my brother.” yond. JD wanted to know what was going on
“I appreciate that.” but I preferred not to talk about it. I gave him
“If you need anything, please call. I will stay in the facts and pushed forward towards Bleeker.
touch.” It was warm for an October nyght in the Vil-
“Thank you. It means much to me.” lage. Not that I minded. It was a way for me to
“In Hebrew, we say shalom. In Arabic, is it forget........
Aimlessly leaves scatter across the side walk.
Beneath the paling of the street lights the nyght
fills with voices and people and memories.
Blackened the sky shrieks in its sadness and
no one save me can hear her cry out. Dance the
shadows restlessly around the feet of strangers
that walk over the face of the sidewalk. Nyght
has come to the Village. ■
Right: A man sleeps on the subway. Like many New Yorkers, he woke up auto-
matically when the subway reached his stop.
36 | New York Chronicles 2013