Page 34 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #4
P. 34

the temperature had dropped. I was shaking –       them. Or ignore them – like a cut on a hand
not a good sign – shaking so much that I had       that doesn't stop me from using a screw driv-
to place my hands under my jacket. Earlier we      er – until whatever it is goes away or heals. Or
had had dinner with Lou Schmidt of Hoodman         whatever.
and while I was aware that there was an issue
with my foot, it wasn't until we left the restau-  We are back at Marge's now. I am sitting on
rant that I knew how bad it was. I was shaking     the bed, trying to decide what I am going to do
so much I couldn't even talk without stuttering    about this. The foot is swollen. The sock is wet.
badly. I had resorted to dragging my foot after    Neither are good. I need to get the shoe off but
me. For someone who tolerates not person-          I know it will hurt. There wasn't much room to
al weakness, that was deeply and profoundly        begin with and now that it is swollen.... I see
problematic.                                       bright lights as I pull the shoe off. Yeah, the
                                                   pain is that serious. I've got the sock down to
Stairs were a special problem. I never realized    my foot which is now mostly bare, however, I
how important the ball of the foot was when        can't get it off all the way. I am trying but the
transitioning up and down a stair.                 sock is stuck to my pinkie toe.

If you haven't seen – or experienced – a transi-   “What's the matter man,” JD asks in response
tion in the subway when a car empties I am here    to the obscenity I just uttered.
to tell you that you haven't lived until you do.
There is a mad – actually an insane – rush to      “The sock.....”
the nearest flight of stairs. Massive movement.
Swirling. Chaotically competing for access to      Finally, I remove the sock. I just pull it off and
a flight of stairs. No time to think. Decide and   this time the lights are so bright I feel as though
move. Hell, don't decide. Move. Push forward.      I am so light headed I am going to pass out. I
There is no actually pushing, but, if you want     recover enough to look down. Grossly swollen
to take your time or slow momentum, you will       the pinkie is almost as large as my middle toe.
be overwhelmed by rushing bodies.                  And on the top, a cut as long as the toe itself.
                                                   JD wants to know what I am going to do about
To be just as honest, I never gave it much         it. There is nothing I can do, except endure the
thought. Like every New Yorker, when I am          pain and move forward tomorrow.
confronted by an obstacle – human or other-
wise – I immediately shift into head-down-            Day Three
take-evasive-action mode. And here I was. At-
tempting to get up a flight of stairs with people  It was a long debate. Too long for me. But, that
rushing around me. Evading me because I was        isn't saying much. Not really. Usually, unless
just another obstacle. No different than a trash   it is a philosophical debate, any discussion
can that had been toppled over, or a beer can      that lasts longer than five or six seconds it too
left on the stairs............                     long for me. No, I am not impatient. On the
                                                   contrary. It is just that debate about the more
I felt, well, inadequate.                          mundane aspects of life is rather pointless. To
                                                   me it is simple. Examine the data. Evaluate the
People tell me that I don't suffer fools kindly    options. Execute and move on.
or easily. Well, I don't suffer my own limita-
tions well either. I tend to bulldoze through

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