Page 32 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #4
P. 32

forward. Someone brushed against me. A fur-        car snapped forward and gathered momen-
tive, glancing touch. I turned to look over my     tum, I watched the station disappear. She was
right shoulder. It was her. I tried to catch her   no where to be seen.
with my eyes but she would not turn her face
towards me.                                        She was gone. Forever.

The train descended into 42nd Street and it            Day Two
seemed as though most of the train emptied
as the doors opened. As quickly as it emptied,     This isn't the place for a problem. New York
it filled again, and for a brief moment, I saw     doesn't tolerate weakness easily or well. And
her. Sitting. Holding the pastry box as though     yet, I can hardly step on my right foot. The
it were the most precious thing she owned.         pain is severe enough that even with my high
She did not turn her face towards me and yet       threshold of pain, I walk with a noticeable
she must have felt my eyes. Her face reddened      limp. I try not to walk in such a way that I
again and she lowered her eyes.                    have to flex my right foot all the way, but that
                                                   is nearly impossible. Try walking the floor of
At 59th Street, the train emptied enough for       a trade show for seven straight hours without
me to take a seat. Not near her as I might have    bending a foot completely. Worse still, imag-
wished, but across and away from her. Only         ine walking the streets of New York and ne-
her eyes moved towards me as I sat down.           gotiating the subway without bending the toes
Instinctively my eyes turned to her. She low-      on your foot. If that isn't enough, there is the
ered her head again as though focusing all her     Unpredictable Factor, always present in New
attention on the white box. I moved my eyes        York. It happened tonyght and it only served
away.                                              to add to my discomfort.

There was no point to this. I would never see      It is another one of those unwritten rules in
her again. And yet I found myself considering      the City. “The City reserves the right to change
crossing the car and taking a seat next to her     any rule at any time for any reason at all. Or
should one be available, or perhaps, I would       for not reason at all.” Of course, the worst part
offer her my business card............ But in the  of it all is that you can't ever know which rule
end I did neither. I settled into the rolling      will change, how many times it will change, or
motion of the car and briefly closed my eyes.      what the consequence will be.
It had been a long day – one that started at
5:45 AM and I had already driven a consid-         And so it was tonyght. It was my fault in part.
erable distance. The day before I had driven       We had purchased new shoes as part of our
nine hours and had been up late working on         more “corporate” look. I thought I had bro-
the book. I thought for a moment I would fall      ken my pair in, but my idea of broken in and
asleep but the brakes of the train snapped my      walking in them for ten hours without a break
body sharply to my right. 145th Street.            apparently wasn't the same. So, by the time
                                                   the day ended, my sock on my right foot was
As the doors opened, she stood, turned to face     damp. I feared the worse. I was beginning to
me, and curtsied slightly, bowing her head and     limp – severely enough for the limp to be no-
lowering her eyes in the way of our people. I      ticeable and severely enough to not be able to
held her in my eyes, nodded to acknowledge
her, and savored her beauty one last time. She
turned and stepped on to the platform. As the

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