Page 114 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #3
P. 114

that offered coffee for ten cents and beer for a  the registers there was a very white man wear-
            dollar. When we got our drinks we went to the  ing a black coat that had a huge white cross on
            counter to pay. The cashier was not terribly old  it and on the cross the words “White Power.”
            but her face was deeply lined and I could sense  Judging  by  his  interaction  with  the  cashier,
            in her a deep longing coupled with frustration  she didn’t  have a problem with him or  with
            and hopelessness. “Beautiful day,” I said to her  what he was wearing.
            after she asked “How are you today?” without
            caring or wanting to  listen  to  my response.                didn’t see a single African American
            “Yeah. Too cold for me.” Her eyes never met                   in Kingman…….. Arrogance. Igno-
            mine and her voice never changed. A mono-                     rance. Myopia.
            tone of despair. “Take care,” I said. “That was I All deeply dangerous.
            scary,” I said to JD. “Yeah man, what is it with  We  left  Kingman as  the  sun  began  to  settle
            these  people?”  I  took that to be a rhetorical  into the distant hills. Much of the conversation
            question.                                           continued the discussion about what we had
            In                                                                        f
                            Kingman,  Arizona,  we went
                            into the Wal-Mart to get some
            looks in their eyes. A kind of inherent sadness. It’s
                            “stuff”  for  breakfast.  It  was
                            shocking. It wasn’t the  Wal-
                                                                                      morning now. A pot  of
            Mart – after all it resembled any other Wal-
                                                                                      coffee brews. I am still in
                                                                                      Kingman, Golden Valley,
            Mart. It was the people. Something about the
            A sense of being lost. Hopelessness. As though  the desert of Arizona and Nevada.■              And
            dotting the “I” and crossing the “T” by one of

              Nelson, NV:  A radio in an abandoned car.

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