Page 113 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #3
P. 113

get up and get out. There’s coffee downstairs                         ey,  man,”  I  said  firmly  but
         too. Not much incentive, but given how I feel,                        gently, “we need to get go-
         it is enough. “Whose idea was this, anyway?”                          ing. Come on.” No response.
         I ask silently.  It was mine. We had to come “H“The car is downstairs. We
         here a day early and I wanted to do something  need  to  get  going. Come  on. I'll  make some
         more than sit in the hotel and watch movies.  coffee.” And that I tried to do. Vainly it seems
         I wanted to get started early enough to get to  since  when  I tore  the  outer  package  open,  I
         Nelson by dawn, but as I looked at JD soundly  also tore the thin fabric that held the coffee.
         sleeping in the next bed, I knew my chances  The  coffee  went  everywhere.  More  carefully,
         were small. Given the time change – and the  I opened the second package of coffee. After
         fact that he was still awake at 12:30 AM when I  it brewed I handed it to JD and made for the
         went to bed – and the fact that he doesn’t suf-    car. I needed another cup of coffee any way. I
         fer mornings well, there was next to no chance  hoped it would also move JD to get to the car
         we  would  make Nelson  by  dawn. Still,  the  and I knew that if I watched him get ready we
         rental car was waiting and I wasn’t going to let  could argue and I wasn’t about to. Eventually,
         it go to waste.                                    we left. And about 45 minutes later we arrived
                                                            at Nelson. Except, it wasn’t the Nelson we were
                               5:20 I was in the lobby  looking for.  A collection of trailers, a few met-
                               of the hotel working on  al shacks and a handful of houses, this wasn’t
                               my second cup of almost  the ghost town. It was the new Nelson, NV.
         Besides,  there  was a never ending  stream of JD
        By warm  coffee.  There  was
                                                                                 and I found the Nelson we
         a microwave and I could have heated the cof-
         fee up but I couldn’t find the resolve to get up
                                                                                 were looking for. It is sup-
                                                                                 posed  to be a ghost  town
         and walk another three feet to the microwave.
                                                                                 but it is really a collection
         really interesting people wandering in from a  of old cars, buildings that should have fallen
         nyght of debauchery. Most were so drunk I am  down generations ago but which are now kept
         not sure how they were able to walk. Then two  alive by the owner of the property. From Nel-
         Asians stepped out of a cab, entered the lob-      son, we went down to El Dorado Canyon and
         by and took seats. After several minutes, they  from there to Lake Meade. As always we took
         placed a call on one of their cell phones. A few  the road less traveled back to the hotel. We ha-
         minutes later, another Asian accompanied by  ven’t seen such poverty since we traveled the
         a very tall Caucasian who looked more than a  back roads of eastern Kentucky. Golden Val-
         little out of place showed up. Not a word of En-   ley,  Arizona,  spans  both  sides  of  US  93.  We
         glish was spoken by the Asians. The American  drove through streets in disrepair, some little
         just seemed to follow along. I tried not to make  more than packed dirt. There was one house,
         any assumptions about what was going on, but  and I use that word lightly, in the entire town.
         it wasn’t easy. They left as quickly as they ar-   Golden Valley wasn’t the exception. Town after
         rived. And then it was my turn to leave.           town – Laughlin, Needles and so many more
                                                            – though in the case of Needles and Laughlin
                  was lucky. The hotel’s driver took me  there were homes of incredible value as well.
                  all the way to the rental car facility.  Segregated from the rest. Of course.

                  I got the car, almost as quickly, then
        I returned  to  find  JD  still  asleep.  As                                stopped in Searchlight.
         I had promised, I had texted him as I left for                             An interesting name for
         the hotel. He either had slept through it, or, he                          a collection of some  of
         was so tired he ignored it, or he never got the We worst looking trail-
         text. Either way, the outcome was the same.        ers, a couple of mines, and, of course, a casino

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