Page 92 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #2
P. 92

to  be  compared  to  Melville’s  Ishmael—well,  "No one, not even you, can live on the edge of
            how does one even begin to respond to that?         a knife,” he continued. “Not without slipping
                                                                on that edge one day and bleeding to death.
            Stan  reached  across  the  table,  took  hold  of  And when you do, who will be there to hold
            Moby Dick,  and  began  reading.  "Whenever  your hand? No one. No one will be there. Be-
            I find myself growing grim about the mouth;  cause no one will understand."
            whenever  it  is  a  damp,  drizzly  November  in
            my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily  No one will understand.
            pausing before coffin warehouses…"
                                                                The words echoed through the silence.  No

            I was so caught in the words that I have no rec-    one will understand… No one will... No one—
            ollection of how long Stan continued to read.  "Why  do  you  think  you  can't  settle  down?"
            (Apparently, at some point he picked up Clarel  he said abruptly, falling silent for only a mo-
            and began reading from that text, although I  ment before continuing. "V'lo yasah eloheem

            remember none of this.)                             nepesh. Even god cannot raise the dead. We
                                                                both  know  this  to  be  true.  Only,  you  don't
            "So tell me this isn't about you," he said, closing  have to say it to the world every moment of
            the book. The echo of page striking page thun-      every day. Let it be."
            dered  through  the  silence  created  in  the  ab-
            sence of words. "Tell me you don't see the world  "In The Myth of Sisyphus," I began, "Camus
            this way. Tell me you aren't constantly rebelling  clearly says that committing suicide is tan-
            against death. Tell me you are not aware—every  tamount to letting death win. It is admitting
            minute of every day—that you will one day die."     that life is futile, empty, and vain; that—”

            "You ask the impossible," I replied. We’d had  "You know it is," he interrupted. "What is it
            some  seriously  intense  conversations  in  the  you said in one of your poems? Ah, yes—‘time

            time we had worked together, but I had never  even steals our grief.’ Time, death, it is all the
            before seen him like this. His eyes had turned  same.  So,  you  rebel.  You  create  like  no  one
            so cold and focused that there was no sign of  I  have  ever  known.  And,  you  suffer  like  no
            life in them. Still reeling from the tenor of his  one  I  have  ever  known.  You  want  intimacy,
            comments, I said nothing more.                      but death precludes intimacy—and you know
                                                                that too—but still, you keep chasing it. Inti-
            "You ask that every moment of every day we all  macy. You are relentless in this pursuit. You
            remember and face our mortality,” he retort-        want  a  woman  to  love  you—as  you  love  the
            ed. “Do you honestly think anyone but you can  world, as you would love her—but no woman,
            do that? Be careful, my friend, that you do not  no human, can love the way that you do. For
            lose your sanity. How long do you think you  to love you in the way you wish to be loved—
            can live this way? Didn't you tell me that Ni-      as you love—demands an honesty that no one
            etzsche died insane? Didn't Koestler kill him-      but you can sustain. To give you the love you
            self? What about Camus' drinking? Or Heide-         seek, a woman must stare death—her death—
            gger—secluding  himself  in  the  Black  Forest  in the face. Though, no one but you can do
            for the last twenty-five years of his life? What  that—not with the same intensity. And with-
            makes you think you are different? That a sim-      out that intensity, no one can love you as you
            ilar fate won't befall you?"                        wish to be loved.
                                                                  So, you are right. Life isn't the opposite of
            Silence drifted across the room.                    death, love is. But what does it matter? You

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