Page 89 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #2
P. 89

dle the teacup, possessively pressing my hands  Thoth has yet to stir. Silent, save for the soft
        against the heat of the porcelain so that the chill  whisper of my laptop, the room awaits another
        that clings to my bones might subside.              dawn while I struggle to hold on to the nyght.

        And so on this nyght, restless as I am, I brewed  The heart is a restless wanderer. And I wander.
        a cup of tea and brought it here, setting it next  Restlessly.  Relentlessly.  I  wander  as  though
        to my laptop. The cat has claimed his place on  consumed by a hunger that cannot be satisfied.
        my lap and—save for the occasional indignant  No place, no time, no person, perhaps, can still
        lecture when he is disturbed—is sound asleep.  this heart of mine. "Once I learn the names of
        So soundly asleep, in fact, that I confess there  the streets, it is time to move," I joke. I have
        are times when his weight causes my legs dis-       said it many times, this pretense making light
        comfort, however light he may be.                   of the curse that has taken hold of me. They
                                                            laugh,  though  I  have  spoken  more  in  truth
        In the birth of this nyght, another day is dying.  than in jest. I desire, it seems, to be at home
        But I shan't sleep. Not tonyght. The question  everywhere—and therefore, I am at home no-
        my friend never asked still haunts me. It haunts  where. "My goal," I once told a friend, "is to be
        me so deeply I cannot let go of it, cannot erase  dropped into any city in the world and know
        it from my consciousness. I find it impossible to  exactly where to go and how I will get there."
        lose myself in the smoky darkness curling and
        rising from the teacup.                                               v v v

        I know enough about Mark’s past to know that  "I  know  why  you  wander,"  he  said  as  he  at-
        he understands the need to wander. In my case,  tempted to walk across the dorm room. I was
        this need was exacerbated by the severe abuse  sitting at the small table that we had placed be-
        I suffered as a child. Wandering was the only  tween our desks. The room was narrow, so in
        way I could stay safe. As risky as it may have  order to use the table, we simply swiveled our
        been, in my mind, the perils I might encounter  chairs around, turning our backs to our desks.
        while wandering the dense wooded areas near-        I had just brewed a pot of tea, and was deeply
        by were far less life threatening than the beat-    engaged in what I was reading.
        ings that awaited me at home.
                                                            I knew he had been drinking. He often drank on
        While I can't speak for Mark, I personally can-     Thursday nyghts. I made little effort to look up
        not wholly attribute my need to wander to the  at him. He made it to the table, pulled back his
        abuse I suffered as a child. It isn't that simple.  desk chair, and clumsily sat down. He was quite
        It isn't that easy. The calculus doesn't work. I  drunk. So drunk, in fact, that he couldn't keep
        do not wander—and I am not without roots—           his head up. However, when he was this drunk
        just because I was beaten and abused. But then  he  was  often  peculiarly  lucid.  Frank.  Honest.
        why is it that I wander? Is this not the question?  Insightful. (And just as often, completely off the
        From whence comes my restlessness? What is  mark.) We had a perplexing and checkered re-
        it precisely that I seek?                           lationship, as college roommates oftentimes do.
                                                            I knew better than to try to answer him when he
          The nyght bleeds and the rose of its              was drunk. What I said didn't matter. When he
           suffering settles uneasily about me.             was this drunk, he would do as he pleased, and
          Cold and empty of life, the forgotten             our past confrontations had taught me that it
          tea languishes.                                   was best to just let it happen—like the beatings

                                                            I suffered as a child.

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