Page 90 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 3 #2
P. 90

"I know why you wander," he repeated. If I  "Want some tea?" he asked.
            had any luck he would pass out. By the morn-
            ing he would sober up, and we would never  "Sure," I said, looking up from my book.
            again speak of this.
                                                                For the next few moments I remained guard-
            "You wander because you know you will die.  ed. But for all that had happened, he was so-
            You wander because you know you will die." I  ber now—which meant that if he remembered
            waited for him to say it again. He opened his  anything at all, he would be reluctant to return
            mouth as though to speak, but his head came  to what had passed between us.
            down hard on his arms, which were crossed
            before him on the table.                            When the  tea was ready, he placed  the  pot
                                                                on  the  table  as  though  marking  a  line  down
            I left him there.                                   the  middle, separating  my restlessness  from
                                                                his  own  unsettledness.  Not  a  word  passed
            He  was  still  there  when  I  got  up  the  next  between  us—which  was  a  bit  odd  given  our
            morning and dressed for class. Head down on  propensity  to  debate  philosophical  and  liter-
            crossed arms. When I returned from class, he  ary issues. Like the two people in Simon and
            was nowhere to be found. On the table, next  Garfunkel’s "The Dangling Conversation," we
            to my empty teacup, was a copy of Moby Dick.  placed a bookmarker between us, a measure of
            The book faced my desk. It was open—its pa-         what we had lost. “Yes, we speak of things that
            per  cover  folded  over  and  around  its  back.  matter, in words that must be said. Can analy-
            The first paragraph was highlighted. Clearly,  sis be worthwhile? Is the theater really dead?”
            this wasn't a random act. I could only con-         I looked across the table at my roommate and
            clude that he had left the book for me to read.     he returned my gaze, each of us waiting for the
                                                                other to speak. But all the words had been spo-
              Whenever I find myself growing grim               ken; there was nothing more to say. “Now the
               about the mouth; whenever it is a damp,          room is softly faded. I only kiss your shadow,
              drizzly November in my soul; whenever             I cannot feel your hand. You’re a stranger now
              I find myself involuntarily pausing               unto me. Lost in the dangling conversation…”
              before coffin warehouses, and bringing
              up the rear of every funeral I meet; and            The heart is a restless wanderer.
              especially whenever my hypos get such               Comes the nyght again and beneath
              an upper hand of me, that it requires a             the veil of its sadness, the wind rises
               strong moral principle to prevent me from     from the shadows.
              deliberately stepping into the street, and          Restlessly, embers of different times
              methodically knocking people's hats off—            and other places kindle the uneasiness
              then, I account it high time to get to sea          I know too well.
              as soon as I can.
                                                                Disturbed by my restlessness, Thoth mumbles
            I put the book back down on the table, cover  beneath the quiet of his sleep. I hunger to leave
            closed, facing his chair.                           this place and follow the wind into the nyght,
                                                                until the dawn takes my eyes again.
            When  my  roommate  returned  that  evening
            after working out, he simply picked up the
            book and placed it back into the space on his                         v v v
            bookshelf where it had long rested.

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