Page 63 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 2 #2
P. 63

FEATURED MODEL: ANANYA                                                                                         56

           Why, when and how did                              ing me everything was fine but I never quite
           you start modeling?                                shook that  uneasy  feeling. That type  of art
                                                              just  isn’t  for  me.  So  was  my  first  and  last
                                                              dealings with ‘gore photography’.
           I’ve loved art for as long as I can remember.
           Every aspect of it is amazing to me; it’s see-     When did you first
           ing the world through someone else’s eyes.
           As an artist you’re constantly trying to find      model for NyghtFal-
           new mediums, new ways to express yourself.         con? What was it like?
           Modeling is being an intricate part of some-
           one else’s vision and bringing part of yourself    My shoot with Falcon was the polar opposite
           to that. That is the ultimate medium for me        of that. He was incredibly understanding and
           and I’ve never found a more challenging one.       relaxing to be around. Our first shoot was at
           I started modeling because I wanted to help        this beautiful house; I had never been in any-
           make something beautiful.                          thing like it and probably never will be again.
                                                              I was awestruck. He actually set up a story I

           I actually  kind of stumbled  into modeling        was able to live out. I learned the difference
           though. I was in my early 20’s when a friend       between a man with a camera and a photog-
           and I started talking about her shoots. I was      rapher  that  day. A  man with  a  camera can
           interested enough to accompany her on one.         give you a place to shoot, maybe some props.
           While I can’t say I enjoyed my first shoot I       A photographer  gives  you a story, a whole
           did see  great potential  for what could be        different life to work with and for the hours
           done. So I started my search for new and bet-      you are together you live that life together.
           ter photographers, eventually ending up with

           What was your first                                Have you any advice

           shoot like?                                        for someone interest-
                                                              ed in modeling?
           My first shoot as a model? It was absolutely
           terrifying. When  I was  told  the  photogra-      My  practical  advice  is  to  do  your  research,
           pher  did  ‘gore photography’ I had  no idea       know what  you’re getting  into and who
           what that meant so I walked in blind. We, my       you’re shooting  with. Never go to a shoot
           friend and I, were lead to a small shed out        unescorted, it’s safer to have someone with
           in the back of his yard. The walls were cov-       you. If the  photographer refuses  to let  you
           ered in plastic, complete with fake blood, and     bring someone re-evaluate whether you want
           there were various instruments hung up on          to work with this person. Draw your line at
           the walls that looked for lack of a better word,   what you’re willing to do on a shoot and do
           unpleasant. I thought I was going to die.          not budge  from that. Besides  the  common
                                                              sense aspects of modeling, I’ll tell you never
           Nothing  unpleasant  or unprofessional  hap-       go into a shoot thinking you’re going to some-
           pened  that  day and my friend kept  assur-        how validate yourself. What type of picture

 nyghtvision magazine                                           volume 2, number 2, summer 2012
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