Page 59 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 2 #2
P. 59

JD MILAZZO                         52

         The complete kit: The tripod with head attached.. The bag for the head in the lower left
         corner. In the middle, in  its own bag, an extension. An ample collection of tools is in-

           alcon has never been a fan of tripods. Never.      couldn’t seem to find the part we needed………
              hen I think about tripods, words like awk- B
       FWith good reason too.                                     ut that has changed.

       Wward,  heavy,  expensive, badly designed,                   e  were  introduced  to  Sirui nearly two
       uncomfortable all come to mind. Now that air-          Wyears ago. At first, we were sceptical. We
       lines charge extra for every “bag”, I have added       had every reason to be given our long history of
       “costly  to  transport”. We have had  some  bad        problems. But the closer we looked at the Sirui
       tripod  experiences  too. On our way  to  Copen-       line, the more impressed we were with the de-
       hagen, we had to check our tripods. In Amster-         sign, the construction, and even the innovation
       dam, we became separated from the tripods and          built into each and every one.
       our luggage. By the time our tripods reached us,
       they were a mess. Despite being very expensive             ut, we have learned the hard way that just
       and billed  as “rugged”,  they  weren’t. To make      Bbecause something looks good and appears
       matters worse, one was unusable for the rest of        to be well designed, appearances can be and are
       the trip.                                              deceiving. Carrying our old tripods across Eu-
                                                              rope taught us that. So, when Jeff Karp, Sirui’s
            nd it is still. Despite being told that the tri-  representative  in  the  US,  offered  to  let  us  use
        Apod  damaged on our way to Copenhagen                two at WPPI this year, Falcon and I took him up
       was repairable, it remains  in  a closet. Unused       on it.
       and still damaged. Not because we didn’t try to
       have it repaired, but because the manufacturer

 nyghtvision magazine                                           volume 2, number 2, summer 2012
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