Page 57 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 2 #2
P. 57


         boxes  to their limit. So, I scheduled  a shoot     with less than optimal ambient light, the de-
         that called for me to move them frequently as       tail in the model and in the wood around her
         well as use them in a variety of environments.      is stunning. While working outside I was able
         It was a hot and humid day as well and if I         to  carry both  soft  boxes  while  still  on light
         were  going to  see  how  well  these  soft  boxes   stands, and my camera, without a problem.
         would do in a complex environment, I would
         find out quickly.                                   The diagrams on page  33  show where the
         As the attached photos show, they performed         beauty  dishes were  placed inside the loft
         flawlessly.  I  used  two  different  configura-    where I often work. In the loft, the same was
         tions – one was configured as an octagon with       true – less light needed, more detail, texture
         a full diffuser and the other as a beauty dish.     and color – even shooting on the side of the
         Outside, under trees, the model’s back to the       model away from the light. This is also a dif-
         sunlight area – a classic problem for photog-       ficult situation since working against the light
         raphers – once again they worked flawlessly         can produce  overly dark,  sharp, shadows.
         and the images are stunning – balanced, rich-       Again the results were stunning.
         ly colored, abundantly detailed. Interestingly,
         I needed even less light from the flashes than      This is a phenomenal product and truly a
         I do with other accessories. We also worked         “must have” for every photographer.
         next to an old barn and by an old fence. Even

                                                                 Innana      was     sitting      on
                                                                 some rocks under a tree
                                                                 in  an  area  that  was to-
                                                                 tally shaded.. Once again,
                                                                 the image looks like it was
                                                                 created using strobes - a
                                                                 reflection on the qual-
                                                                 ity of the images that can
                                                                 be produced using flashes
                                                                 and the octo beauty dish

 nyghtvision magazine                                           volume 2, number 2, summer 2012
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