Page 65 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 2 #2
P. 65
you take or what your body looks like has no
bearing on who you are. Know what you’re I’ve never modeled nude. I believe that eve-
worth before going into this because this is a ry action has a consequence no matter how
critical business, don’t take it personally. good-natured you intended that action to 58
be. The question is can you deal with that
How do you select a consequence? Knowing that once you do
photographer with something and it gets posted on the internet
whom you will work? there’s no undoing it, it’s there forever. You
have to be absolutely positive that the answer
I look at their portfolio first. If their pictures to that question is yes.
include a naked girl in a bath tube covered
in cheesy puffs, we may have a different idea
of what good photography is. If I like what I Tell us about your best
see in their portfolio, then I exchange emails. and worst experiences
They may not email me back - honestly, that as a model.
happens more times than not - but, if they
do, it gives me a chance to see what they ex- My worst experience as a model is probably
pect from me during the shoot and if they’re nothing more than most women go through
willing to do TFCD. If it’s something I’m in regular situations, so I prefer not to dwell
comfortable with then I’ll work with them. on that to much. My best experience has been
the shoots I’ve done with Falcon. We’ve shot
If you have modeled at absolutely stunning locations, he treats me
nude, do you find it with respect and helps me improve. If judg-
awkward? Did you en- ing the worth of an experience is the progress
joy it? you make from it and the enjoyment you have
doing it, I couldn’t ask for any more.
nyghtvision magazine volume 2, number 2, summer 2012