Page 36 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 2 #2
P. 36


            her left shoulder. This flash illuminated her     enough to separate her hair from the space
            back and reflected into the book cases be-        behind her. It also made her face look just
            hind her.                                         as it would  have were  there more natural
            (2) The second flash/Flex/beauty dish on a        light in the room. The shadows taper softly
            light stand was placed at 45 degrees to her       and the detail in her dress, her hair, and the
            left  shoulder. Since  I never light  the  sub-   floor is dramatic. The light is warm – not
            ject and always light the space around the        what one would expect from an image cre-
            subject, I made sure that most the this unit      ated with two flashes.
            fired to the left of her shoulder (to my right)   It doesn’t take much light to create images
            – effectively right into the flash behind her.    that are dramatic, natural, and emotionally

            As you can see, this softly tapered the shad-     powerful. It is just a matter of learning how
            ows into the corner behind her and light just     to light the un-lightable.

                                                                              (Lighting diagrams for these
                                                                              photos  follow  on the  next

                                                                              Left:  Using the same approach,
                                                                              this image was created in the inte-
                                                                              rior of the building - no windows to
                                                                              add light and only a few recessed
                                                                              lights in the ceiling.
                                                                              Note  the  detail  in the  drum, her
                                                                              face, the wall and the chair behind
                                                                              her. The  red  wall  was  a potential
                                                                              problem since directly  lighting it
                                                                              would have made it mirror-like.

   nyghtvision magazine                                                                                                                                                                volume 2, number 2, summer 2012
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