Page 35 - NyghtVision Magazine Volume 2 #2
P. 35

TUTORIAL                    30

        the fact that I used two remotely fired flashes.     make sure I captured some of the detail of the

        So, what about the second photo – the one of         bookshelves behind her. I also wanted to keep
        Ananya kneeling? (See the photo on this page)        as much of the detail of the floor as possible.
        This was taken in the loft that is over the front    Ananya also has dark hair and if not handled
        of the house. There isn’t much light and what        correctly, I could have lost detail in her hair as
        little  there  is comes  in through  a window  to    well. This made lighting the area behind her
        Ananya’s  left  and over her shoulder.  She  is      even more important – this would ensure that
        kneeling in one of the darkest corners in the        her hair didn’t fade into the shadows.
        loft.                                                So, here’s how I approached this:

        Again, a nightmare and one that can potential-       (1) I decided to place one of the lights (again
        ly lead to over exposed skin and a terribly black    a 580 EX II mounted on a FlexTT5 and a Chi-
        corner. When I set up this shot, I wanted to         mera beauty dish, all on a light stand) just over

 nyghtvision magazine                                           volume 2, number 2, summer 2012
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